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Dibrugarh, Assam, India
In Dibrugarh, Assam, India the average temperature is 22.92C (73.25F). 10.00C (50.00F) is the lowest monthly average low temperature (occurring in January) while 31.00C (87.80F) is the highest monthly average high temperature which occurs in June, July, August, September. The average temperature range is therefore 11.50C (52.70F). Wet weather in Dibrugarh, Assam accumulates so that there is a total average rainfall of 2758.00mm (108.58in) per annum. Divided over the year this gives an average monthly rainfall of 229.83mm (9.05in). July is the month with most precipitation when 554mm (21.81in) of rain falls over a period of 22 days while in December only 10mm (0.39in) of rain falls over 1 days. Dibrugarh, Assam’s weather is effected by 132 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Dibrugarh, Assam averages 76.33333333% over the year. 69% is the lowest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in February, March and 83% is the highest average monthly relative humidity which occurs in September. Furnish yourself with comprehensive information regarding the Assam climate on the excellent linked to website. Details of the average high and low temperature for each month are available there.

